April 19, 2024

“Anatomy of a Misfit” reinvigorates teen drama

Courtesy therumpus.net
MISFIT RIGHT IN: Through believable conflicts and characters, Andrea Portes (above) revitalizes the teen romance genre with her new novel, “The Anatomy of a Misfit.”

By Juliana Riverin
Staff Writer

While the story of a popular girl falling in love with an outcast boy may seem trite, the novel “The Anatomy of a Misfit” proves so impactful because of its original plot and believable characters that it strays far from cliché.

Combining a compelling narrator, relatable characters and brilliant plot that mixes teenage romance with self discovery, author Andrea Portes’ novel is an emotional roller-coaster.

“The Anatomy of a Misfit” tells the story of Anika Dragomir, a popular ninth-grade girl living in Lincoln, Nebraska. However, Dragomir does not feel comfortable with the attention she receives and contentedly plays the part of a sidekick to the meanest, most popular girl in school, Becky Vilhauer. Despite this, Dragomir soon begins a secret romance with the mysterious and unpopular Logan, which allows her to begin to discover who she truly wishes to be.

The greatest success in “The Anatomy of a Misfit” is the complex characterization of Dragomir. Despite repeatedly stressing about how she thinks she does not fit the social standard and has a vaguely criminal way of dealing with unpleasant situations, she is an extremely relatable character. Through her character, Portes portrays the incredulous mental, physical, and emotional growth that teenagers go through as they enter adulthood.

A large part of the novel’s emotional substance stems from Dragomir’s inner struggle to define herself as an individual and find a set of morals that she can stand by. The narrator’s sarcasm and unique sense of humor that runs throughout the entire story makes the story easily understood, despite the many relationships Dragomir battles with.

Dragomir is not the only standout of the novel, as each of the supporting characters proves equally valuable. From Dragomir’s understanding mother to the psychotically evil Vilhauer, Dragomir is accompanied by a host of authentic characters, each of which enhances the personality of the novel through the unique meaning they add to the story.

This credibility is reinforced by the novel’s realistic progression. Despite the sarcastic tone of the narrative, “The Anatomy of a Misfit” holds impressive emotional weight and maturity, as Dragomir is challenged with the reality. The story, which at first glance seems more like a romantic cliché than a substantial novel, surprises with its insightful commentary and heart.

Overall, “The Anatomy of a Misfit” is an engaging novel that provides an emotionally impactful experience. It addresses serious issues in a relatable, understanding way that will stay with readers in their personal lives.

“The Anatomy of a Misfit” is available in retail for $17.99 and digitally for $9.78.

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