May 20, 2024

Netflix series “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak” keeps audiences informed and scared about current and future health crises

March 31, 2020 Josie Collier 0

The acclaimed TV show “The Simpsons” has predicted major events such as presidencies and Superbowl wins, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to their audience when they foresee other worldly events. But sadly in this case, the Netflix special series “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak” has mimicked the accuracy of prophesying global occurrences as it has successfully predicted a future the world is currently living in, but only they saw it coming.  […]

“The Way Back” presents a heartwarming story, inspires viewers

March 17, 2020 Skylar Jones 0

Ben Affleck makes a valiant return to theaters on March 6 in his most recent film and highly anticipated film “The Way Back.” “The Way Back” portrays a heartwarming and inspiring story of self-improvement and amelioration centered around a struggling basketball team. The story touches on problems of alcoholism and loss while telling an uplifting story about determination and grit, specifically in sports. Viewers are engaged and intrigued by the story throughout the entire film, and leave feeling a sense of hope and strong willpower.  […]

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