June 2, 2024

“Rush” captures the feeling of formula 1 racing

By Warren Gordon
Staff Writer

Athletes with death wishes have many sports to choose from, and Formula One racing is one of them. Watching this racing along with actually participating in this activity sends a rush as well as a chill of fear through the bodies of everyone.

This thrilling action packed movie, was well directed by Ron Howard and extremely exciting to watch. The director made the audience feel left wanting more after every scene, and he showed and emphasized how the rivalry brought Niki Lauda and James Hunt closer together.

The film is based on a true story of two Formula One racers, who loved the sport for completely different reasons. Niki Lauda(Daniel Bruhl) looked at this sport with probability and stats, and played the sport because he couldn’t find anything that he was good at that made more money.

On the other hand, James Hunt, played by Chris Hemsworth, enjoyed the sport for the women, fame, and money. James played this sport with skill and passion, unlike Daniel he didn’t use any calculations to make his car faster he just raced with pure skill.

James Hunt and Niki Lauda had a huge rivalry which brought them closer as friends, and made the viewers more interested in the races between the two. More than anything they intimidated and envied each other, due to the fact each racer new the others skill and tactics.

As the movie started and finished with dramatic races, the sound effects of the cars make the audience feel as if they are there. The director does a great job making the viewers feel surrounded by the rush of cars and the suspense of crashes.

The director Ron Howard did a great casting job, with casting Chris Hemsworth who resembles the handsome and dashing James Hunt. Also picking Daniel Bruhl who captured the plainer and quieter Niki Lauda by being less daring and choosing his decisions on his own and by himself.

The formula one races happened all over the world, and was huge in the seventy’s. The movie showed the amazing appeal formula racing had at this time worldwide.

The director did an amazing job of making it feel like the viewers were in that time period and had a passion for formula one racing. With the music and clothes, it created a seventy’s feel and above all a perfect reproduction of the racing cars of that era.

This movie was one of the better movies of the year, with a big star actor of Chris Hemsworth and a creative director, Ron Howard. This film is the first one to come out that should be nominated for the best picture award, it is by far one of the best movies of the year.

It is rated R, and is coming to theaters at Arc light and other local theaters on September 27, 2013.

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