June 2, 2024

Too Many Bunnies Club hosts walk to raise funds for its furry cause

By Sara Feld
Staff Writer

While most Costa Clubs have charity walks to fight diseases, the Too Many Bunnies Club is pursuing a more unorthodox purpose: bunnies.

Too Many Bunnies Club is putting on The Race for the Rescue on Nov. 10 at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine. It is a walk for their club to help raise money to save abandoned pets.
The Race for the Rescue walk’s proceeds go to Too Many Bunnies Rabbit Rescue, a 501C not for profit charity, to help pay for food and vet expenses. Anyone who wishes to make donations or sign up for the walk can go on the website, racefortherescues.org.

“This walk is for a great cause, supporting this club, and many people should go,” vice president junior Bianca Estrada said.

Every animal at Too Many Bunnies Rabbit Rescue receives necessary veterinary care, socialization, litter box training and is spay or neutered before being placed for adoption.

“Too Many Bunnies is about education, rescue, and respect for all types of life,” Linda Baley said. “I think it is important to show kids what happens when they do not possess these qualities and, more importantly, what you can accomplish when you do.”

According to Estrada, the club is always welcoming new members and is a great way to meet people and make new friends.

“As a sophomore last year, I was a new student, and I told myself that joining as many clubs as possible is probably the easiest way to make friends,” Estrada said. “After seeing posters up about the club, I decided to join.”

The Too Many Bunnies Club meets Thursdays at lunch in the Drama Room, and new members are welcome. Linda Baley brings bunnies every week, allowing members to hold and pet bunnies.

“I decided to go to this club because I really like animals, and I wanted to get involved in a club where I could volunteer and help out,” freshman Becca Waxman said. “I think other people should go to this club because it is really fun to play with the bunnies and find them a home.”

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