June 2, 2024

Sophomore Dylan Gallagher brings Classics for a Cause to Costa

By Juliana Riverin
Staff Writer

Movies are most commonly used as sources of entertainment in which people gather around a television screen and pop popcorn.
Costa sophomore Dylan Gallagher puts a new spin on his love for movies as an inspiration to help various charities through his new club, Classics for a Cause.
Club members decide on a classic movie to watch, along with a charity to support that corresponds with the film’s scene. In addition to independent fundraising, the club participates in walks that support the charity’s cause.
“The first and concrete reason why I made this club was to help people, but I didn’t want to be restricted to just one charity,” Gallagher said. “I wanted to incorporate my love of movies and charity in order to let the people of my club choose what we donate toward.”
According to Gallagher, his main goal for the creaton of the club was to make it free for club members to choose where they wanted to donate instead of having one cause by connecting them to the movies they watched.
Club members participated in an Alzheimer’s charity walk, organized by the Alzheimer’s Association, on Nov. 2 in downtown Los Angeles. Although the club did not directly correspond this walk to a movie, Gallagher wanted to utilize his newfound club and make his first donation to a personal cause.
“Alzheimer’s is a disease closely related to my family, so I took it upon myself to use the Classics for a Cause Club to help others struggling with the disease,” Gallagher said.
Classics for a Cause plans to watch “Saving Private Ryan’’ as its next movie. “Saving Private Ryan’’ tells the story of a group of American soldiers who have witnessed the death of their two comrades in World War II.
“We’ll take what happened in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and use it to inspire us to donate to a charity that supports war veterans,” Gallagher said.
After the club watches “Saving Private Ryan,” it will support the Wounded Warrior Project. This is a charity dedicated to providing programs and services to severely injured service members during the time between active duty. It helps them make the transition back into civilian life.
“This club is for people who share a love of movies and philanthropy,” Gallagher said. “Instead, they want to help different groups of people with different problems. Anyone who is interested in joining the club is highly encouraged to come by and see what we do.”
Club meetings usually are held in Biology teacher Steve Davidson’s room. However, due to the teacher negotiations, they are now be held in office conference rooms. Classics for a Cause meets on Tuesdays at lunch.
“I joined the club because I was really inspired by its purpose,’’ club Treasurer sophomore Kiera Isgrig said. “Raising money for charities with movies seemed like a really good idea to me. It is a unique way to raise awareness for a cause.”


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