June 3, 2024

Model U.N. travel team gains worldly benefits

By Jack Allen
Executive Opinion Editor
and Kellie Mullin
Staff Writer

Students in Mira Costa’s Model United Nations program often receive the privilege of traveling across the country as well as to nations abroad to compete in debates, and while these trips seem unnecessarily long, they provide students with learning experiences unachievable in the classroom.

MUN is an elective class offered at Mira Costa in which students simulate meetings between United Nations representatives, and debate world issues. MUN is unique, due to its constant and prolonged travel trips, which differentiate it from other electives and extracurriculars at Costa. These students must miss a substantial amount of class time throughout the year, which may seem problematic to some; however, these students receive educational benefits such as exposure to different forms of foreign and domestic culture from these trips.

Although in the past there have been no problems with academic integrity regarding MUN students who complete assignments in a non-academic environment, teachers should still take measures of their own to ensure an equal playing field for all of their students. Many teachers, like English teacher Jonathan Westerberg, do not assign large projects and tests to students on these trips. Other teachers should emulate this policy, as it would ensure that major assignments for all students are taken under the same teacher.

During the trip, a portion of the students’ time outside of competing is used for visiting historical sites and places of importance. This time spent outside of debate and away from school can be a problem because it causes students to miss more class time than just the debate itself but, in actuality, the time spent visiting historical monuments and sites is a hands-on educational experience that few Costa students, other than those in MUN, receive.

While the extra non-debate days slightly prolong the MUN trips, they are also partially used for “team bonding” experiences and acclimatizing to new time zones. Without these days, MUN students would not be able to properly prepare for their debates, and their infamous track record may not be as prestigious as it is. To some, it does not seem reasonable to miss extra class time for these reasons; however, these days are pertinent to their success.

According to Secretary-general senior Sydney Walley, MUN trips provide students with the opportunity to take the “information and skills” learned at Costa and apply the same knowledge to real life situations and scenarios. Obviously, these students are missing out on traditional instruction, but in return, these students gain perspective unavailable in the microcosm of Manhattan Beach.

Model UN provides students with opportunities to learn in various locations and allows for the development of skills and perspectives. This program is beneficial to Costa’s reputation, and although the trips may be difficult to accommodate, students consistently work to ameliorate all issues with teachers and continue the ideals of the MUN program.

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