May 20, 2024

Ben Dale sets clear, obtainable goals

Staff Editorial

As the newest member of the administration, Principal Ben Dale is bound to make his own mark on the school. During a recent press conference, he laid out two goals that he would like to see accomplished by students and staff: improved and more accessible technology and heightened school spirit on campus. Given the nature of Mira Costa and the Manhattan Beach Unified School District in general, these are appropriate and reachable goals.

Almost all of the technology that is available to students on campus is outdated and, in many cases, barely functional. Computers available in the library are an important resource for students but simply cannot handle the constant usage that they are currently required to sustain. These conditions are very disruptive for a learning environment and should not be tolerated in a school district which takes pride in excellence.

Dale suggested a Mac computer lab as a future project and a more concentrated attempt to integrate technology into the classroom. Both of these ideas would be highly beneficial to Mira Costa students. Access to sophisticated resources is an important step into the 21st century that would allow students to better pursue their education.

However, it is crucial for the administration to recognize the limitations that come with attempting to change the fundamental way that teachers run their classes. Many teachers still do not use current technology to the full extent of its capability. Pouring money into new technology only to have it sit unused would be a complete waste.

Though school spirit at Mira Costa is actually existent despite the initial appearance, there is no doubt that widespread student apathy is still a significant obstacle. Many students have pride for the individual organizations that they are a part of, but little interest in the school as a whole, leading to a student body that is largely fragmented. It would not be hard for students to support school teams by going to a game or attending one of the productions by the Drama Department. Every student can participate in this and make a difference on campus.

Motivating more students to participate in spirit days and on-campus activities and promoting a generally more positive outlook could be instrumental in a time when Mira Costa is facing an array of difficult problems. Fellowship between students based in common school spirit would reduce social tension during the school year. School spirit may seem like a trivial issue but can actually play an integral role in making students’ high school experiences fulfilling.

It would be exceptional if the goals that our principal proposed come to fruition in the near future. These are two goals that are both tangible and realistic, which is important. Mira Costa must show that as a whole we are capable of solving important problems, starting with two simple goals.

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