June 14, 2024

Comedy Sportz beats Redondo in first match of the year

By Claire Gunning
Staff Writer

Mira Costa’s improvisational drama team, Comedy Sportz, won its match, 40-30, against Redondo Union High School on Dec. 5.

Costa’s participants included juniors Miranda Baldo and Hadley Thomas as well as senior co-captain Charlie Durham and senior Elizabeth Hartman.

“The match went really well,” Durham said. “The energy was electric on the stage, and I had a ton of fun performing with my teammates. It was really cool being in the new drama room and also competing against Redondo for their first match ever.”

During the match, students performed a variety of improv games, such as Genre Replay, in which members acted out a suggested scene from the audience in four different genres chosen by the crowd. Whichever team gets the loudest applause from the audience at the end of each skit gets five points.

“It was really exciting to see how much everyone has improved already this year,” team member and junior Layne Eichenlaub said. “It is also really fun learning how to play different games from other schools’ improv teams.”

Due to the cancellation of school on Nov.19, Comedy Sportz re-scheduled its annual Teachers’ Match for May 7 of 2015. The team is currently practicing for this competition, but teachers will continue to learn their improv skills closer to the match.

“Comedy Sportz started out this year with a great first match,” Hartman said. “I am really excited to see how we do at the Teachers’ match because it is always interesting when teachers take on the role of students in the match.”


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