June 2, 2024

Kendal Rohm / La Vista / Photo Essay

Students in ASB, Dr. Dale, and various board members meet in Dr. Dale’s office to discuss revisions on the student wellness survey that comes out in the Spring.
Board member, Mrs. Hadley takes notes and contributes on the changes that were discussed on both the student and parent survey in order to asses all possible problems students face.
Dr. Dale listens to the concerns and revisions of each of the board members present, and together they discuss possible solutions to these conflicts.
(Right) Senior Cole Keefer, discusses with Dr. Dale (left) possible revisions on the survey from his perspective as a student, and helps in come up with solutions to other conflicts.
Members of ASB from almost every grade are present to represent the student body in the meeting and share their experiences on stress and the effectiveness of the survey from a students perspective.

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