May 18, 2024

Seniors Lenze, Reynolds share stories on YouTube channel FYC Pictures

Courtesy of Dylan Lenze

By Ellie Shalvarjian

Features Editor

Seniors Dylan Lenze and Sarah Reynolds have pursued their passion for videography from simply telling stories to showcasing their dynamic and artistic short films through their small YouTube channel called For Your Consideration Pictures.

Lenze and Reynolds created their YouTube channel on Aug. 3. The channel’s videos are primarily silent films showcasing unique and influential themes that Reynolds and Lenze have left up to the viewer’s consideration and personal interpretation.

“FYC Pictures is meant to be a space where viewers can get away from their every day lives and be invested in a unique story,” Lenze said. “Although we took a small break to finish up college apps and school commitments, we plan to make many more films in the near future.”

Reynolds is relatively new to the world of filming, directing, producing and editing, she said. She began participating in this type of art form this past summer with the beginning of the production of FYC’s first videos. In contrast, Lenze has four years of prior film experience due to his extracurriculars, including his involvement in the Cinematic Arts class offered at Costa.

“We were inspired to start filming because we both have a passion for telling stories,” Reynolds said. “We thought that making a film channel would be fun and challenging, so we just went for it.”

FYC Pictures makes independent films for Youtube and promotes itself on social media platforms, such as Instagram.  FYC Pictures currently has two short films on YouTube, one titled “Pawnless Endings” and  another titled “Gift.” However, Lenze and Reynolds are both  interested in expanding their channel into commercial interests for larger clients, such as a local coffee shop and Dynamic Grit Fitness, which would hire FYC Pictures to help grow Lenze and Reynold’s company outreach, Reynolds said.

“We are hoping to get more companies interested in our filmmaking so that we can generate a bigger overall client base,” Reynolds said.

The two short stories are silent with much left to viewer interpretation, said Reynolds. “Gift” focuses on the uncertain future of an individual man travelling through the South Bay trying to figure out what to do next. “Pawnless Endings” is about an inter-generational gap that affects both generations shown in the film.

“I am so proud of our first short film, “Pawnless Endings,” because we had no budget and actually filmed it in two days,” Lenze said. “I’m actually really happy with a lot of our films because we normally have no budget and a limited amount of time to finish them.”

The short films are completely directed, filmed and edited solely by both Lenze and Reynolds. Their debut short film, “Pawnless Endings,” has gained over 350 views on YouTube. Additionally, their Instagram has over 200 followers, and they aim to continue promoting their work on this social media platform.

“I think my favorite part of the process is editing, which is something I hadn’t experienced before doing this,” Reynolds said. “It’s amazing what you can do with the films on the editing software. The editing process is really where the story starts to take shape.”

Both Lenze and Reynolds aim to continue to pursue videography once they are attending college. Lenze and Reynolds plan to release more films soon, including an upcoming video that will contain dialogue. Additional sneak peeks of this upcoming film will be available soon on their company Instagram account, @fycpictures.

“While it may be difficult to continue this company in college, I definitely want to engage in similar activities,” Reynolds said. “I will still pursue my filming passion in college and throughout my life.”

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