June 2, 2024

Mira Costa Seniors Are Sent Off to College

By Hannah Parker & Harrison Mayesh

Mira Costa seniors will walk the Costa campus for the last time as students on June 9. After four years of Advanced Placement tests, production weeks, CIFs, and debates, seniors are now able to move on and reflect.

Costa’s campus is not only the home to educational pursuits, but our campus also holds countless memories. If this be having lunch in the Mustang Mall, staying after school for a project, experiencing the bomb threats, or having a productive Office Hours.

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Senior Finals will last from June 6th to the 8th. On June 8th seniors will be invited to a senior breakfast at Waller Stadium in the morning, preceding their period one and two finals.

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On June 11 the choir senior recital will be held in the small theatre. June 12 will be senior recognition night at 7pm in the auditorium. Finally, the final act of Graduation will occur on June 15 at Waller Stadium.

According to the United States Department of Education, approximately 66% of high school graduates attend college. Additionally, approximately 85% of high schoolers actually end up graduating. In a stark contrast, the majority of Costa students will be attending a university in the upcoming fall.

Students will be attending state schools, private schools, community colleges and international colleges. Check out La Vista’s May 19th publication in order to see specifically where all of our seniors are going on our college map.

In the coming Fall, it will feel empty on campus without our senior’s presence. However, new Freshman will migrate from Manhattan Beach Middle School and our current juniors will catch a case of senioritis. We will miss you class of 2017!

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