June 9, 2024

Football Dominates West Torrance, 41-14

Costa's senior captains stand ready for the coin toss before the game. From left to right; Jackson Fischer, Rashad Lawrence, David Bugdanowitz and Hank Dunlap.

By: Sophia Vaughn

After a difficult loss to West Torrance Warriors last season, the Mustangs came back resilient, winning the battle against the Warriors, 41–14.

Costa went up against the Warriors at Waller Stadium at 7 p.m. on Sept. 20. The Mustang offense worked in sync again, as a string of pass plays and a powerful run game lead Costa to their third straight victory. The Mustang defense also contributed to the win, putting pressure in the backfield and effectively defending against West’s passing game.

Despite struggling against the aggressive West Torrance defense on the opening drive, the Mustangs soon found their rhythm when junior quarterback Sam Whitney connected with junior wide receiver Danny Millea to get the Mustangs to the one yard line. The pass play set junior running back Kage Geohegan up to put the first points on the board with a one yard rushing touchdown. Whitney then connected with senior wide receiver Kian Towfighi for another touchdown, making the score 14-0. The Warriors then managed to fight their way to the end zone for a touchdown, but Costa quickly responded when junior running back Bryce Carlisle dashed into the end zone for another touchdown, 21-7. Costa scored again on a rushing touchdown by junior running back Ryan Moreno, and West managed to respond, putting Costa up 28-14 midway through the second quarter. But, the Mustang passing game continued to dominate, as Whitney made a 33-yard pass to sophomore wide receiver Kayle Marsh, who was under tight coverage in the end zone, for the final touchdown of the second quarter, closing out the half 33-14. 

“The team did excellent [in the first half], “ senior offensive and lineman Rashad Lawrence said. “It was amazing to have such a major lead going into halftime.”

The Mustangs continued to control the field in the second half, as Whitney found junior wide receiver Jaden McDonald in the end zone for a 12-yard touchdown pass, making the score, 41-14. The Mustangs then allowed their second string athletes to see some playing time, ending the game with a final score of 41-14.

“I feel like we did our blocking assignments really well, “ Lawrence said. “We just did a great job as a team overall.”

The Mustangs, now 3-2, will have a bye next week, but will be back on the road on Oct. 5. Costa will go up against longtime rival and last year’s Bay League champ, Palos Verdes at Palos Verdes at 7 p.m. 

“This week we’re going to work on our pass protection, “ Lawrence said. “Palos Verdes is a really strong team.”

About Sophia Vaughan 35 Articles
Sophia Vaughan is a Sports Editor for La Vista, and is responsible for writing stories, designing page layouts, editing articles and creating graphics. In her previous year on the paper, she was a sports staff writer and wrote articles about football, soccer and track. In her free time, Sophia enjoys playing rugby, managing the football team, singing, cooking and hanging out with friends.

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