June 2, 2024

Zoe Kalamaros Fences Her Way Across the World

Kalamaros battles her opponent at the annual tournament in 2018 in Rain City WA. Kalamros made unforgettable friendships and relationships along her journey as a fencer. Photo Courtesy of Zoe Kalamaros.

By: Ella Mahan

Staff Writer

Zoe Kalamaros fenced her way all the way to Paris with people all over the world. 

Starting at just 6 years old, Kalamaros took up the sport of fencing because she didn’t find interest in any other sports. Her mom suggested fencing to her, saying it would be a different, unique experience. Kalamaros decided to give fencing a try, and as soon as she tried it for the first time at the PAFC (Precision Athletics Fencing Center) in Torrance, she continued to practice the sport because it seemed fun. She made friends along her journey and got to know the sport in more depth. According to Kalamaros, fencing not only interested her, but it changed her as a person. As she continued fencing, she began to travel, encountering really cool experiences, relationships, and friendships along the way. 

“I am so happy that I took up fencing and gave it a try,” Kalamaros said. “I met so many amazing new people and now have friendships that I believe will last a lifetime.”

For Kalamaros, fencing was primarily a focus for high school, however, she was planning on using her unique skills to get into college. Even though she wanted to continue into college, she always knew she was never going to continue beyond college in events such as the Olympics. Kalamaros was practicing 5-6 days a week for 2.5-3 hours each practice, which totalled to about 15 hours a week.

“Fencing really helped me mature quickly as a person,” Kalamaros said. “There was so many amazing things that came throughout my journey as a fencer, and I hold all of those memories close to me.”

Kalamaros attended an International Youth Tournament in Paris in the month of February for 2 years in a row. Kalamaros also got third place in her age group/rating in Summer Nationals, a yearly tournament held around the beginning of July. It is known to be very packed and almost every fencer attends and trains for the tournament. 

“One of my highlights of fencing overall is when I got top 3 in summer nationals,” Kalamaros said. “I also went to Paris twice to compete in a competition, which was a really fun, cool experience.”

After a while, Kalamros decided that to practice at the level she was at was completely unrealistic for her, if she didn’t truly love the sport. She quit her club team about two years ago, and does not plan on taking fencing up again. However, she does pop into her club every so often to see her coach and my friends, and will probably  take a class or two again, but is positive she will not officially start again.

“I didn’t have the passion or motivation necessary to continue the sport, along with other personal reasons I’d been carrying with me for a while,” Kalamaros said.

According to Kalamaros, passion, competitiveness, and technical/physical skill are the driving factors in what makes a good fencer. All of the greatest fencers have all of these, and in general, fencers should always feel very strongly about their performance, which was one quality she lacked. 

“I do not plan to begin fencing again, but hope to take a few classes a few times a week to visit old friends and coaches,” Kalamaros said.

Although Kalamros is sure she will not take up fencing again, she is unsure of what her future holds. Even though she quit fencing, she will never forget the memories and friendships she made on her fencing journey. She is now a cross country runner and spends most of her time training with the Mira Costa Cross Country Team.

“I am so glad I took up fencing, and am so excited for what my future holds for me as a cross country runner,” Kalamaros said.

Ella Mahan
About Ella Mahan 21 Articles
Ella is the Executive Arts Editor for la vista and is responsible for editing stories and designing pages. In her previous year on the paper, Ella was an Opinion Editor and staff writer. In her free time, Ella enjoys going to the beach, dancing, and hanging out with friends.

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