June 9, 2024

‘I am Greta’ unapologetically opens viewers’ eyes to the real world

Greta inspiringly striking for her beliefs outside of the swedish parliament. Photo Courtesy of Michael Campanella

By Marisa Ferreira

Staff Writer

“I am Greta” offers inspiration to viewers to bring change to the world after demonstrating that everything is possible. 

The film tells the beautiful story of a young woman, Greta Thunburg, filling the audience with inspiration. “I am Greta” conveys Greta’s story wonderfully, bringing emotion to viewers.

“I am Greta” begins by explaining Greta’s story and her mental illness. Greta begins missing school to protest climate change by sitting outside of the Swedish parliament with her famous sign that reads, “School strives for the climate”. Viewers watch Greta as she creates a worldwide known strike that consists of kids who don’t attend school on Fridays. These amazing and inspiring protests she calls “Friday’s for the future”. 

The documentary was released on Oct. 23. and revolves mostly around Greta Thunberg herself. The film features many important names including President Donald Trump and Arnold Swartzenegger. 

One of the key elements to this touching documentary is viewing Greta’s side to how she sees global warming or climate change. Through her Asperger syndrome and her eating disorder along with her strong will to put anyone and anything before herself viewers see how passionate she is, contributing to the emotional connection with the audience. Her story is inspiring and her dedication is unmatched. This makes for an inspiring plot and is considerably a strongpoint to the movie. 

The film’s greatest strength is its moving emotional intent. The detail the film goes into about Greta’s fascination with climate change makes the film even more powerful. Her laser focus on the topic along with her empathy for the planet creates for mission impossible becoming possible. 

The documentary’s display of Greta and her father’s relationship adds another deeper connection with the audience. As viewers see many of the challenges that Greta and her family face, it makes for an intriguing and relatable reality which keeps watchers attentive. .

The only part of the documentary that falls short is its lack of factual evidence on climate change. Some important topics were brought up but they are never explained in detail. The documentary lacked statistical evidence that could have helped a viewer truly understand global warming and its importance if they weren’t versed in the topic before watching the movie. This would leave viewers confused and lost at times.

“I am Greta” emotionally and wisely opens a new perspective seen through the eyes of a girl with Aspergers. The show’s ability to change how viewers see themselves and others is emotionally uplifting. 

Released on Oct. 23, “I am Greta” is unrated and is available for streaming on Hulu.

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