June 2, 2024

ASB, PTSA host yearly campus beautification event

By Charlotte levy 

Theme Editor

Costa’s Associated Student Body (ASB) collaborated with the Parent Teacher Student Association ﴾PTSA) to clean the campus through Beautification Day from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Dec. 3 and 10. 

On Dec. 3, around 50 students and volunteers attended the event. Participants were divided into groups and assigned different tasks, including cleaning the cafeteria, courtyard, quad, snack shacks, and hydration stations. 

“It is very collaborative; [PTSA] provides some funding and posts it in the newsletter to get more kids to come,” said Carolyn Mukai, PTSA executive board member. “They work really hard because they take a lot of pride in their campus.”

About Charlotte Levy 16 Articles
Charlotte Levy is the Arts Editor. This is Charlotte’s second year in journalism and second year as an editor.

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