May 20, 2024

‘Barbie’ movie encourages discussions of feminism and sexism within society

Illustrated by Daisy Lozier

Taylor Kelley

News Editor


The 2023 Greta Gerwig film “Barbie” was anticipated to convey the brand’s trademark innocent, childlike appeal. However, the movie clearly defies such expectations and instead discusses relevant topics in society, challenging traditional gender roles, promoting feminism, and fighting sexism. 

The idea of Barbie dates back to 1959 when the American company Mattel launched the doll. Since then, over 1 billion dolls have been sold, and 43 movies and three TV shows have been produced about the character.

In the movie, Barbie embarks on a personal quest to find her true identity in “Barbieland.” This narrative serves as a metaphor for breaking free from the constraints of patriarchal expectations. By encouraging young girls to explore their passions and embrace their individuality, the film encourages  the challenging of societal norms.

“Barbie” provides a space for viewers to respond to and challenge social norms that limit women’s ability to chase their dreams. The film conveys real-world struggles like anxiety, self-image, gender roles, patriarchy, and the way society views women — all uncomfortable yet important topics. The film strays from traditional animated Barbie movies that cater to younger audiences. 

The film makes commendable efforts to challenge gender stereotypes that have long plagued society, especially the roles of women when facing prejudice and unfair treatment. By presenting Barbie as a multifaceted character with diverse interests and ambitions, the film encourages young viewers, especially young girls, to question the limitations imposed by patriarchal norms. This portrayal serves as a powerful tool in dismantling the notion that women should conform to narrowly-defined societal roles and expectations.

The highly impactful movie also challenges traditional gender roles by presenting male “Ken” characters who defy societal expectations. These characters often display traits associated with femininity, such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and nurturing qualities. By doing so, the film challenges the notion that masculinity is solely defined by dominance and aggression, thereby questioning the patriarchal norms that perpetuate harmful stereotypes for both men and women.

While the Barbie movie may have appeared to be a modern children’s movie at first glance, it offers a nuanced portrayal of the patriarchy’s influence on society, specifically on women. 

By challenging stereotypes, emphasizing the power of female friendships, questioning traditional gender roles, and promoting self-discovery, the film provides a platform for young viewers to question and challenge the societal norms that limit their potential. The new film mirrors the equitable culture our society is striving to promote. 

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