May 9, 2024

Comedy Sportz wins against Redondo in February match

ACTION SCENE: Junior Jonah Mirkovich and sophomore Emily Hucul act out a love scene in “Stunt Doubles.” The game put Costa in the lead for the first half, allowing the team to ultimately emerge victorious. Photo by Charlotte Levy/La Vista

By Charlotte Levy

Arts editor

Costa beat Redondo, 54-49, in a Comedy Sportz match in the small theater at 7 p.m. on Feb. 9.

In the first half, Costa was the blue team composed of sophomores Emily Hucul and Gavin Owen and juniors Chloe Estrin and Jonah Mirkovich competing against Redondo in red.

“I don’t think that one single person did the best from our group, as improv is about working together and making your scene partners look good,” Hucul said. “Everyone had their equal contributions to the team, and our team would not be [the same] without every player.”

Costa got to choose the first game “Beastie Rap,” where teams attempt to rap in unison, but ultimately lost the round. Costa caught up with Redondo after winning the next round with “Tag Team Monologue,” where players take turns to produce a coherent monologue. Costa continued its winning streak in the third round with their improvisational stunt scenes in “Stunt Doubles.” The first half ended with the game “Garth,” leaving Costa team up 8 points 30-22.

“What I liked about playing Redondo in the match was being able to see some old friends,” Mirkovich said. “The captain of the other team, Finn, was a childhood best friend, it brought back memories.”

After intermission, Costa’s team consisted of sophomore Emma Gordon, junior Jaxon Stroyke, and seniors Chris Halkias and Akash Mishra. Both teams competed in “Expert Challenge.” Costa won the following round with their scenes acting out the writing process of novels in “Dime Store Novel.”

“My favorite part was watching Costa play a very entertaining game of Naive Replay,” Bryan said. “I had never heard of it before and it was hilarious and good inspiration for a new game.”

Redondo trailed behind by only three points after Costa lost “Naive Replay.” Redondo then won in “Awkward Silence,” where the referee stops the scene at random times and players have to resume silently. Costa secured its victory in the final game, “Object Freeze,” with the final score 54-49.

“Overall I think our team did great,” said Hucul. “Our dynamic worked extremely well together, and we did a great job of keeping the energy up and moving the scene along with a good pace.”

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