June 2, 2024

“The Muppets” is a delight for new and old fans alike

Dylan Fair
Arts Editor

Courtesy: toprelease.us

Fond childhood memories are often lost as the years pass by. However Jason Segal’s and Anthony Babin’s newest film “The Muppets” keeps the classic group of puppets alive in today’s world.

The newest adaptation of Jim Henson’s famous creations “The Muppets” proves to be the most heartwarming Muppet movie to date, its simplicity and innocence reach out to a new fan base and will satisfy long time fans.

“The Muppets” chronicles the relationship between Gary (Segal) and his muppet brother Walter (Peter Linz). The two journey to Los Angeles so Gary can propose to long time girlfriend Mary (Amy Adams.)

In Los Angeles Walter visits the home of the long forgotten Muppets, his childhood heros. After overhearing oil baron Tex Richman’s (Chris Cooper) scheme to tear down the old Muppet Studios to drill for oil, Walter teams up with lifelong idol, Kermit the Frog, and the rest of the Muppet gang. They set out to raise the $10 million needed to save the studio by putting on one last Muppet performance.

The real joy from “The Muppets” comes from its musical numbers written by “Flight of the Concords’” Bret McKenzie. In the movie’s opening number Segal sings “I’ve got everything I need right in front of me.” These words could not be better stated to describe the feel of “The Muppets.”

In the movie’s most hilarious scene Cooper in the midst of conversation randomly raps out his most diabolical plans for destroying the Muppets hopes. With lyrics such as “I got more cheddar than some super-size nachos/got cash flow like Robert has De Niro,” this segment proves to be the strangest movie scene of the year.

Furthermore, there are many subtle gems seeded throughout “The Muppets” to keep adults as entranced as their children. After the first few scenes one begins to recognize Segal and Adams dramatically change their outfits from scene to scene. These costume changes in combination with numerous asides with the audience go over the heads of youthful viewers and keep parents entertained.

Celebrity Cameos also add scenes of hilarity to “The Muppets.” Guest appearances from Jack Black, Whoopie Goldberg and Neal Patrick Harris give a more modern twist to the Muppet tradition of celebrity hosts.

“The Muppets” sets a precedent for how to reintroduce a franchise. Throughout the film old viewers are reminded of how the forgotten, washed up, Muppets resurgence is possible. However this does not cloud the movie from being a great introductory to the franchise for new viewers.

This film transcends the typical kid’s movie with a deeper morale message in it’s simplistic tale. “The Muppets” is more than just fun and games. It champions a return to the fair hearted beliefs and views of an earlier generation, beliefs that are not found in the entertainment for any age group in this day.

“The Muppets” satisfies old fans and opens doors for new ones. This movie serves as a delight for the young as well as the old. Its unyielding charisma and charm prove the make “The Muppets” easily the most gleeful film of the year.

“The Muppets” premiered Nov. 23 and is now playing in theaters nation wide.

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