May 13, 2024

View Points: Mira Costa Survival Guide

By Quinn Kropschot

As the 2014-15 school year rolls around, crowded hallways, brand new backpacks, and looks of confusion sweep the Mira Costa campus. Based on my three years of experience, I have concocted a Mira Costa Survival Guide to help YOU excel during your time at Costa.

1. Find a friend group
With a school as populated as Costa, everyone is destined to find a friend group who has interests similar to their own. Finding a group of acquaintances early allows you to dig deeper and create a long-lasting connection that will last throughout high school. Finding true friends, who share similar values and morals as you, will make the rest of your year so much more bearable.

2. Balance your schedule
Though taking a ton of Advanced Placement classes may sound like a good idea while scheduling, you will soon learn to regret your decision. It is crucial to your mental stability and sleep schedule that you take courses that you can handle. If you are a student who absolutely loves history, math, science and Spanish, then go ahead and take AP’s in all of those classes; however, if you’re only taking these advanced courses to look good on a college transcript, perhaps you should reconsider. While college is a student’s priority in high school, enjoying your experience at Costa is crucial as well. You are only in high school once; make the most of it!

3. Get to know your teachers outside of class
Not only will this help with the letter of recommendation process, but most teachers are actually cool human beings!!! Teachers, throughout my time at Costa, have offered me advice, interesting tid-bits of knowledge, and often a lot of emotional support. Go in during lunch or snack for help if you don’t understand a topic; the teachers at Costa are more than willing to help if you go the extra mile and show that you care.

4. Take your art credit early
Take it from someone with experience, you do not want to be the only senior in a ceramics class of 40 freshman. Enough said.

5. Have fun
High school is a stressful time, but don’t let the impending pressure of college collapse on top of you. Remember to enjoy yourself and make sure you have room in your schedule for classes that you enjoy. Also, make sure you spend plenty of time with friends and family–graduation comes sooner than you would think.


  1. I think that it was a very good idea to get your art credit out of the way early so that you aren’t stressed out to get it done with during senior year. Also, making new friends is a big and important part about being at a new school!

  2. It’s was good how you are helping new people and freshman learn how to survive their first year at mira costa. The tips will really help them:)

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