May 14, 2024
Josie Collier
About Josie Collier
Josie Collier is La Vista’s Editor-in-Chief and is responsible for each of the paper’s pages and managing the staff. In her previous year on the paper, she was Executive Features Editor and designed/wrote pages and stories for her section. In her free time, Josie plays soccer, spends time with friends and family and listens to music.

Netflix series “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak” keeps audiences informed and scared about current and future health crises

March 31, 2020 Josie Collier 0

The acclaimed TV show “The Simpsons” has predicted major events such as presidencies and Superbowl wins, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to their audience when they foresee other worldly events. But sadly in this case, the Netflix special series “Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak” has mimicked the accuracy of prophesying global occurrences as it has successfully predicted a future the world is currently living in, but only they saw it coming.  […]

Josie looks forward to the start of a new decade

January 27, 2020 Josie Collier 0

One hundred years ago, women received the right to vote. But it was only 50 years ago when America fought through the brutalities of the Vietnam War. With a new year and decade beginning, I want to reflect and predict what the future has to hold for our country and community.  […]

Social Media can be a beneficial platform for teens’ futures

November 18, 2019 Josie Collier 0

Nowadays, high school students have all been lectured about how to keep their presence on social media minimal and private so it does not affect their future careers. I agreed with this idea until recently when my perspective on the issue shifted. My English teacher, Bradi Everett, presented a lesson on how it is actually beneficial to create an appropriate public profile on social media in order to make professional relationships and connections for our post-high school lives.  […]

La Vista welcomes back Mr. McAvin for its 70th volume

September 20, 2019 Josie Collier 0

Journalists are like superheroes; we comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.This quote was the foundation of our first lesson in my beginning journalism class taught by Michael McAvin. We were taught that the duty of a journalist is to speak the truth in the face of controversy, and to challenge ideas of those in power, while comforting those who have been taken advantage of by others. […]

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