May 18, 2024

Junior Kara Drexler competes with the Costa co-ed hockey team, looks ahead toward future

By Lacy Cano
Contributing Writer

Junior Kara Drexler, petite and unassuming with all of her teeth intact, is not the image of a typical ice hockey player.

Nevertheless, Drexler is hoping to play for the third year with the Costa hockey team this spring, shining as one of the only girls on the team.

“Generally, people are really taken aback when they hear I play hockey,” Drexler said. “I’m really two different people on and off the ice, and I do a good job of keeping those parts separate from each other.”

Drexler, a defender, has been playing for the club team the Anaheim Lady Ducks since she started playing competitive hockey at age nine. She began co-ed playing for Costa’s team two years ago and continues today.

“It’s been great to see the team grow and improve together over the years,” Drexler said. “What’s really special about the sport is the bond that we have as a team.”

Drexler strives to be a leader on the teams she plays for and to assert herself in the male-dominated sport of hockey.
According to coach Caitlyn Hogan, Drexler works hard to improve her abilities every practice.

“Kara is the first one on the ice and the last to leave,” Hogan said. “She is constantly improving, and she motivates her teammates to seek the same improvement both on and off the ice.”

As is the case in most sports, hockey requires a large amount of Drexler’s time and involves sacrifices. This includes driving to Anaheim for games and practices either four or five times a week, as well as additional private lessons and workouts.

“I don’t get to spend much time with friends outside of school, and I spend most holidays in different states for tournaments,” Drexler said. “It can be hard, but, at the end of the day, I love playing and there’s nothing else I would rather do.”

Drexler often does not get home until 11 p.m. on school nights and then has to keep up with her school workload that includes two Advanced Placement classes. Drexler values a healthy balance between her academic and her athletic challenges.

“The fact that I could possibly get a college scholarship for doing what I love is just a bonus,” Drexler said. “I would feel very lucky to have such an opportunity. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.”

Drexler hopes to eventually be able to play women’s hockey for a Division I university after completing high school.
She also plans to continue her hockey career even after graduating from college and take the sport to a more competitive level.

“I want to take it as far as I possibly can,” Drexler said. “That may mean just through college, but ideally I would be able to play for the national team and in the Olympics. But that’s still a long way away, so it’s something I have to take one step at a time. I am looking forward to the near future, though, as well.”

Drexler is confident in her ability to play the sport and is excited to continue to pursue her passion through the Costa team. However, everyone who was on the Costa team last year has to try out again; no one has a solidified spot on the team. Tryouts were held on Wednesday, but due to the time of publication, results of the tryouts were not available.

“I’m looking forward to the season,” Drexler said. “Hopefully, Costa does well this year.”

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