May 18, 2024

ABC’s “My Genertation” brings variety to primetime TV

Hallie Lidow
Staff Writer

ABC’s “My Generation” aired Sept. 23 and brought a new format to the typical one-hour comedy-drama that is so prevalent in TV today.

The mockumentary series follows a group of high school seniors in Austin, Texas in the year 2000 and revisits them ten years after their graduation. The group includes the Jock, the Beauty Queen, the Over-Achiever, the Punk, the Wallflower, the Nerd, the Brain, the Rich Kid, and the Rock Star.

Each of their lives and interactions in high school are documented and compared to their lives in the present day, which are drastically different from what they had wanted for themselves ten years prior. The stories unfold and intertwine, establishing an intricate plot line that is closely tied into modern day society and creates a relatable story for viewers of all ages and interests.

Common issues are brought up such as the life of a soldier’s


wife, the evolution of a nerd, the de-convolution of Mr. “Most Likely to Succeed,” the discovery of a love child, racial tensions in elite society, and the failing marriage of the Rich Kid and the Beauty Queen. Each of these issues brings a sense of understanding and sympathy to the characters.

The complexity of the relationships between the characters gives each of them depth, while still leaving room for further development in later episodes. Unfortunately, it may be difficult for writers to continue the level of complexity in the plot and character interactions.

The actors in the ensemble cast are all relatively new to the industry, not having appeared in many prior TV shows or films. All of them execute their roles with complete believability, however, allowing the mockumentary format of the series to come to life.

The dichotomy of the high school footage and the new footage provides an interesting aspect to the show, while also touching on the differing views of young Americans pre- and post-9/11. The political statements entangled in the script are not simply of one viewpoint, but of various differing beliefs. This is all achieved without distracting from the entertainment of the show.

The series has been advertised as a comedy-drama, but it seems to be more of the latter. The writing does not necessarily evoke laughter, but remains light-hearted and consistent with the expectations of a comedy-drama, instead of fully diving into dark plot twisters like other TV shows of the genre often do today.

“My Generation” is unlike many TV shows in its unique format, and will certainly stand out amongst other series of its genre. Its wide appeal to various audiences, impressive plot lines, and genius interpretation of social standpoints in modern society demonstrate the series’ potential for greatness in episodes and seasons to come.

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