April 27, 2024

Homework becomes a district concern due to student complaints

By Hogan Webb
Staff Writer

Recently the Ed council has discussed homework amounts that students receive at Mira Costa, and they are issuing a survey to all teachers to find out the amount of time students are spending a night. Students are being assigned excessive amounts of homework and it is becoming a large problem for Mira Costa students.

Students at Mira Costa live busy lives, and In addition to sports practices, clubs, and extracurricular activities, students are given unnecessary amounts of homework every night. While getting a good night’s sleep and having a balanced life is always encouraged, teachers and the district make it seemingly impossible, thanks to the workload they give to their students. School,extracurriculars,and homework is the daily routine for most Mira Costa students.

According to Callum Lapper, a student athlete at Mira Costa, he is up till at least eleven o’clock every night doing homework and studying for exams. By the time he goes to sleep it’s midnight and he has to be up again at six in the morning for class which starts at seven. Many Costa students go through a similar schedule. This expectation that students should go to school all day, be part of extracurriculars, and have time to finish the loads of homework assigned is a very demanding task.

According to Dr.Dale, this homework survey is an idea proposed by the Ed Council and Dale is currently not sure whether or not changes will be made due to the new information collected. This is the first time that the Costa administration has looked more closely into this issue, and survey results will indicate whether or not other actions need to be taken to lessen the workload for students. Hopefully some changes will come from this survey to start decreasing the issue of Costas over demanding workload.

It is about time that the School takes a look at this growing issue. Hopefully positive effects come from the attention that Ed Council is paying to the problem. Even though there is no guarantee that there will be any change, students are hopeful that something good will come from this because they desperately need need more sleep, time to express themselves, and time to do activities other than homework.

According to the American Health Association about 73% of high school students suffer from sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation affects kids down the line and according to the AHA can lead to decreased brain activity. Sleep deprevation in teenergars is becoming a growing issue, and many Mira Costa students are suffering from it. According to AHH, kids that do not get enough sleep will do more poorly on tests and assignments, and they will not function as they would on a full nights sleep.

Maintaining the ultimate balance between school/homework, extracurriculars and personal time is important, and its not as easy as it may seem to live a balanced high school life, All students yearn for a little more free time, but thanks to the overly high standards Costa students are held to, having free time is not very feasible for many. Even those who do have free time feel constant competition from the school, faculty and their peers to be involved in.

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