May 10, 2024

Mira Costa Meals

Alexandra Mier y Teran
Calendar Editor

With posts depicting meals that range from classic grilled cheeses to eclectic dim sum, Costa seniors Sarah Kennedy, Carson Hart and Miles Kluth’s “foodstagram” accounts have joined the latest trend of posting photos of food on individual Instagram accounts.

“Foodstagram” is a catchy nickname for an Instagram account dedicated to sharing a love for food. Kennedy, Hart and Kluth have spent the last three months posting mouth-watering photographs of their favorite meals while coming up with catchy captions and creative presentations.

“Originally, I got the idea from my friends from San Francisco, where food accounts are really popular,” Kluth said. “I decided it would be a good idea to bring it to Manhattan.”

Kluth’s idea was an instant success and quickly spread, prompting both Hart and Kennedy to follow suit in creating their own accounts.

“I was on vacation when I got a notification saying that @carsonhartcrunch was following me on Instagram,” said Kennedy. “I thought it was kind of funny and realized there were a lot of other people doing it as well. That’s when I decided I wanted to make a foodstagram.”

The three seniors agreed that coming up with the name ideas for their accounts was challenging, since they all tried to pick words that had to do with food and the same letter as their first name. Kluth, Hart and Kennedy started their “Foodstagram” accounts in August and since then have collectively gathered hundreds of their own followers.

“I try to take photos of meals that are interesting but different from the usual,” Kluth said. “If I were to post all of the every meals I ate, there would be three times the amount of In-n-Out pictures on Instagram.”

Kennedy, Kluth, and Hart put effort into the photograph itself along with the editing of their posts. They include vibrant colors and textures to make their photos pop and look more appetizing.

“To me, a photogenic meal has to usually be uneaten,” Kluth said. “When I take my pictures, I prefer to have a nice dish or background, have the food be displayed perfectly, look appealing and appetizing.”

Hart, Kluth and Kennedy agree that the placemat, table, silverware, plate color, and tablecloth all contribute to the quality of photos of meals.

“I enjoy eating food in general, and taking pictures of my food and posting them on Instagram is a cool way to share it,” Kluth said.

Kennedy, who posts food she eats on a day-to- day basis, also posts photos from her world travels, including her trip to France.

“I usually look for food that is pretty or out of the ordinary,” Kennedy said. “Sometimes it’s fun to take simple food and find the beauty in it by putting it in front of a different background and arranging it nicely.”

The three “foodstagrammers” agree that, for now, taking pictures of their meals is just a hobby and intend to continue their creative passion.

“I’ll keep posting until I feel like it,” Hart said. “It’s fun to take the photos and post my food. No crazy future plans come to mind.”

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