September 21, 2024

MBUSD adopts new Personnel Commission Budget of Expenditures

By Diego Marcucci
Staff Writer

As the school year comes to an end, the Manhattan Beach Unified School district has begun planning for the 2015-16 school year, beginning with the adoption of the Personnel Commission Budget of Expenditures at the May 6 board meeting.

Every May the personnel commission budget must be planned out to be included as part of the MBUSD’s total annual budget.

“I think the process of finalizing the Personnel Commission budget for next school year went very well,” Executive Director of Human Resources Carolyn Seaton said. “The Commissioners discussed the budgets line items and were able to approve it during the course of one meeting via an efficient and effective process.”

The Personnel Commission is a public body responsible for administering the “merit system” for the selection, retention, and promotion of classified employees in the District. It is a three-member commission, consisting of one member selected by the Board of Trustees, one member recommended by CSEA and approved by the Board of Trustees, and the third member appointed by the other two commissioners. One commissioner serves as the Chairperson of the Commission. The Commission is supported by the Executive Director of Human Resources, who also serves as the Secretary to the Commission.

“The Merit System was established to provide a mechanism for ensuring that the hiring and promotion of classified staff is based on employees’ abilities and skills and that employee discipline is conducted appropriately,” Assistant Superintendent Dr. Dawlyn Murkawa-Leopard said. “And from what I have seen its operations are very efficient and well organized.”

Although this planning requires a lot of time, every year only a few staff members are charged to the Personnel Commission. This year the staff members were Carolyn Seaton, Executive Director of Human Resources and Human Resources Technicians Monica Ford and Anna Frankel.

“Our Personnel Commission members have served together for many years and collaborate well as a team,” Seaton said. “Each brings different experiences and expertise into the process.”

The Personnel Commissioners held a meeting on May 5, in which they approved their annual budget. After this, the Board of Trustees adopted the budget for the 2015-16 school year on May 6. According to Seaton, the budget was submitted to David Norton, Division of Business Advisory Services Manager at the Los Angeles County Office of Education last week.

“I think the process was very smooth and productive,” Seaton said. “The Commissioners asked some questions and we were able to approve the budget during the course of only one meeting.”

According to Murkawa-Leopard, the Personnel Commission budget is based largely on the budget of the prior year. It is continually reviewed as expenditures are made. The formal preparation of the budget begins in March and then is reviewed and, if needed, revised by the Commission prior to its adoption in May.

“I don’t anticipate any changes to the Personnel Commission budget for next year. As the state’s budget gains in stability, there is a positive effect on MBUSD’s budget and the Personnel Commission’s budget,” Seaton said.

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