May 9, 2024

Pride Prejudice & Zombies is a failed oppurtunity

By Kevin Russell

Staff Writer

“Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” features the undead, violence, and high society; a more unusual mash up could not have been picked for one movie.

The movie “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” directed by Burr Steers, fails to impress because it tries to fit too much detail into one movie which makes it hard to follow. This movie was well produced and had excellent acting but it wasn’t written well so it took away from its better qualities.

In 19th century England, zombies have taken over but the humans have fought back and built a wall around London and a moat around the area surrounding London called the in between. The rich live in country estates in the “in between” and send their children to China and Japan for combat training.

In this zombie infested world the fight is still ongoing and the survivors must fight for their lives at dances and when traveling. Along with fighting for their lives from the undead, the women who are the main characters must also fulfill their duty to carry on their families legacy.

The acting in “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” was very well done with comedic moments from many experienced actors throughout the movie. Many of these comedic moments came from the goofy British actor actor Matt Smith when he plays Mr. Collins a man looking for a wife.

The movie “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” was not very well written because it tried to include too many ideas into one movie. This movie tried to be a romantic comedy and a zombie movie but in the end they just took away from each other, failing to integrate with one another.

The cinematography in this movie is delightful with a wide range of angles and scenes throughout the movie which makes the film look very professional. The cinematography was breathtaking and the quality with which it was filmed was one of its top features.

The movie “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” was very original and unlike many zombie movies in the past but it was not for the better. This movie was uneven would try unsuccessfully to be romantic comedy then it would add in quick and violent scenes to try and keep the audiences attention.

The soundtrack in this movie was very overtop with loud and overdramatic music playing over all action scenes, making the movie seem very cheesy. The soundtrack was added in a attempt to catch the audiences attention but it only served to take away from the scenes.

The director’s purpose in making this movie was very unclear, and it ended up as a poorly blended romantic story with action packed zombie sequences. This movie was made to be a goofy zombie movie but it had too many conflicting ideas to be any of the genres it tried to be.

“Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” is not worth seeing because of its horrible production and excessive detail. “Pride and Prejudices and Zombies” is playing nationwide and is rated PG-13.

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