May 1, 2024

2016 Final Presidential Debate Live Stream & Commentary

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Tonight is the third presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The stream will begin promptly at 6pm. Stay tuned for our written commentary after the debate!

Live Stream courtesy of NBC and Youtube.

Third Presidential Debate Commentary & Re-Cap

By Riaz Mamdani
Chief Online Editor

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump met again for their final face off before Election day on Wednesday October 19th at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News, the candidates discussed a variety of hot topics including, but not limited to, building walls, money, puppets, and rigged elections.

The Debate started off smoothly with an introduction by Chris Wallace, followed by professional behavior from both candidates, until the first topic was introduced – the Supreme Court vacancy. Clinton came off strong, describing her plans to select a progressive justice that would stand up for women, the LGBT community, and uphold landmark decisions such as Roe V Wade. Throughout the debate Clinton continued to press a very liberal and progressive agenda, specifically targeting young voters in a last ditch attempt to gain their support before election day.

Trump also continued with his prior agenda, concentrating heavily on topics such as NAFTA, immigration, and the economy. Despite recent allegations of sexual assault, Trump did not seem shaken as he casually shrugged them off as false, refocusing on highlighting the failures of the American Government in the last few decades in an attempt to capitalize further on his ‘political outsider’ appeal.

Taken together however, both candidates relied heavily on mudslinging tactics during the debate, continually belittling and insulting each other rather than focusing on the questions and issues posed by Wallace. Trump in particular struggled to maintain his composure during the last parts of the debate, as he continually interrupted both Wallace and Clinton with his crude and acerbic comments.

Click on the image to take you NPR's very own fact check of the Final Presidential Debate. Courtesy of
Click on the image to take you NPR’s very own fact check of the Final Presidential Debate. Courtesy of

Immigration made its way to the center of the debate stage, as both candidates were allowed to elaborate upon their plans for the future. Trump in particular stressed his ‘Wall’ while simultaneously accusing Clinton of supporting open borders, despite her repeated denial both on and off stage. Clinton also described her plan to naturalize many of the illegal Mexican citizens in the US who are a keystone in many state and local economies, rather than institute a mass deportation program.

Discussion on Economic reform followed suit, as both Trump and Clinton outlined their plans to reshape the American economy. Clinton was quick to describe her economic stimulus plan to support the middle class, and create a debt free college system, while at the same time promising that the top 1%, would be making a greater contribution to the country. Trump also explained his ‘trickle down’ policy of slashing taxes on the wealthy in order stimulate economic growth, however Clinton was quick to expose the folly in Trump’s plan.

“People are a lot more charitable when they doing well themselves,” Said Kelly Sidney, Co-president of Mira Costa’s Young Republican’s Club. “Thinking about college, if I go work at a big company that has more money to play with with, they are going to be more willing to give me promotions and raises and holiday benefits,”

Both immigration and economic policy were ultimately overshadowed when Trump announced boldly, that if defeated by Clinton, he would not accept the results of the general election as the will of the American people, citing both ‘the corrupt media’ and false propaganda spread by the Clinton campaign to blame for his loss.

“Trump has a clear history of claiming that things have been rigged against him when he doesn’t emerge victorious,” Said Matt DuMont, Co-president of Costa’s Young Democrats club. “Its a stunt so that when he does lose, he has an excuse to tell people, because it’s never really his fault when he looses is it?”

The debate closed as both candidates made their closing remarks effectively ending one of the most unprecedented campaign seasons the United States has ever had to witness.


Image courtesy of CNN
Image courtesy of CNN


  1. i thought the description of both candidates’ positions was fairly presented without showing any personal bias. good budding journalism. we need more real journalists in this country for our democracy to survive. keep it up.

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