May 10, 2024

Jake Broido breaks from the pack with new ‘Storytelling’

By Haile Lidow
Staff Writer

Former Defense Breaks Down singer-songwriter and Costa alumnus Jake Broido recently released a solo album, “White Girls are Crazy.” The compilation of songs takes on a new genre—one he calls “storytelling”—and ranges from rap to techno.

Broido plans to add three more songs to his debut album, all of which draw aspects from his many influences, including The Postal Service, Drake, Kanye West, Katy Perry and, of course, Defense Breaks Down.

“The songwriting techniques I tried to perfect in that band have led me to where I am now,” Broido said.

The four-man band opened the door to opportunities for Broido to write and produce for other artists, which ultimately has led him to make and produce his own songs with new instruments, techniques and ideas. His inspiration comes from all facets of his college life, and his songs reflect his personal story.

“It’s a conscious effort for me to have a balance between party tracks and songs that give insight to my life; it’s easy to get caught up in making great-sounding party tracks and miss the important stuff,” Broido said.

From a lyric he came up with while biking to a guitar riff or a drum beat, he finds inspiration from many different places at many times. However, Broido balances his time between classes and music, and specifically schedules time on weekends to work on his album in order to not interfere with school. This weekend, Broido is heading to Boston to work with former Mustang Collin Beat to shoot the music video for his song “Listen Baby.”

Broido has had several informal performances of his new songs and is now working with a back-up band to begin preparing for big shows in December.

“[It’s] definitely a new feeling performing without Hunter Porter, Matt Schwartz and Andy Jimenez, but I am excited for everything that’s going on with music; it helps with the withdrawals,” Broido said.

Broido says his solo album came about because he was away from his bandmates, and that when he is in Los Angeles, his time is dedicated to Defense Breaks Down, which is still in “full force.” They plan to record new material and even tour next summer. However, Broido is enjoying a solo career.

“Jake’s new album is full of interesting and innovative rhythms as well as extremely catchy lyrics. He is kind of a big deal,” senior Olivia Hunt said.

Broido is quickly turning out catchy songs for his album including “California” and “Girls in the Club.” His music can be found on and his music videos on

“I’m finding success as a solo artist. I’ve gotten to collaborate with great artists, and I feel like the new music is a great progression. I’m less afraid of people’s reactions, and I think people are enjoying that,” said Broido.

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