May 6, 2024

La Vista takes a look at the Instagram account of Mira Costa’s new literary page, PapercutMCHS

La Vista takes a look at the Instagram account of Mira Costa's new literary page, PapercutMCHS. With a unique variety of poems and images, students who look at the page are thoroughly entertained and intrigued. Art by Terry Wang

Junior Terry Wang snaps a shot of the Jefferson Memorial located in Washington D.C., sharing it on the PapercutMCHS Instagram for students at Mira Costa. Wang finds a perfect spot to capture the shot, while also catching the scenery surrounding it. The focus of the photo is the blossoming flowers, which are beautifully captured and highlight the building in the background. Wang’s photograph allows viewers to appreciate the nature in Washington D.C., including the Potamac River and the blossoming flowers of the cherry trees, while still emphasizing the historical importance of Jefferson’s monument. See Wang’s photo in full color at @PapercutMCHS.

Junior Red O’Brien captures a summer day in Manhattan Beach, showcasing all aspects of a typical day at the beach. The perfect angle allows viewers to fully scope and appreciate the activity on the hot day. O’Brien successfully captures the lively bustle associated with the beach cities, the ocean water, the Goodyear blimp and the famous Manhattan Beach pier. The photo is perfectly saturated, drawing attention to the countless umbrellas, the sand and Manhattan Beach’s blue ocean water.  O’Brien’s perfect depiction of the busy Manhattan Beach lifestyle engages students. O’Brien’s photograph can be viewed @PapercutMCHS’s Instagram account.

Junior Nora Yang explores the true meaning of courage and the attributes of a hero in her poem “Impressed by Heroism.” Throughout the poem, Yang incorporates her own opinion, explaining, “the most trying struggle is faced within ourselves.” Her writing style is inquisitive and dramatic, maintaining a suspenseful tone throughout the poem. She portrays the message that even the common person can be a hero, giving her readers hope and motivation, creating an optimistic view on the Instagram page.

Senior Adriana Gutierrez pours her heart into her emotional poem “Green.” Her rhythmic writing technique entices readers with a simple yet provoking poem about love and loss. Her metaphorical language, seen in phrases like “Maybe your heart needed more water, or maybe I gave it too much,” allows readers to interpret the poem in their own way and apply it to their own love lives, drawing a strong connection to the poetry. The consistent rhythm allows readers to fully dive into Gutierrez’s words.

Junior Piper Newton dives into the darker side of poetry in her poem, “A Charming Man’s Funeral.” Unlike other poems on the Instagram account, Newton takes a different approach by using death as inspiration for the poem. “A Charming Man’s Funeral” is equivocal, allowing readers to create their own meaning. Newton uses an every-other-line  rhyme pattern to create a consistent flow, engaging the reader. The darker approach to poetry provides various genres of poetry to all readers.


Submitted by junior Piper Newton

Submitted by senior Adriana Gutierrez

Submitted by junior Nora Wang


Submitted by junior Terry Wang

Submitted by junior Red O’Brien

Skylar Jones
About Skylar Jones 21 Articles
Skylar Jones is La Vista’s Managing Editor, and is responsible for editing all pages for every section and making sure editors are on track with their work. In her previous year on the paper, she was the Arts Editor and edited stories and created pages for her section. She is from Sesame Street and has her own world where she sings and dances and finds things with her goldfish. She talks like a girl, and is seemingly very adorable and cuddly.

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