May 14, 2024

‘Mary Poppins Returns’ amazes viewers with its lively soundtrack and outstanding acting

The cast floats with Mary Poppins (right). “Mary Poppins Returns” pays tribute to the original film, while also providing viewers with a different take on the wonders of imagination and child-like nature. Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios.

Megan Garringer

Staff Writer

In 1964, a movie came out which was nominated for thirteen Academy Awards and is considered to this day to be the greatest live-action film of Walt Disney’s lifetime. “Mary Poppins” introduced the celebrated Julie Andrews to the big screen and touched families all around the globe, while making millions of dollars for Disney. And now it’s back, in one of the latest sequels in Hollywood’s history: “Mary Poppins Returns.”

Although the only actor to return from the original movie is Dick Van Dyke, the sequel manages to capture the same creativity and liveliness as the first one. An excellent cast including Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Meryl Streep, Emily Mortimer, Dick Van Dyke, Colin Firth and Julie Waters bring this classic story back to life on the screen.

Set in London in the 1930s, “Mary Poppins Returns” continues the story of Michael and Jane Banks, the children of the original story who are now all grown up with a family of their own. Unlike in the original film, the Banks have suffered many hardships and have become bankrupt. Single father Michael Banks is raising his children Annabel, John and Georgie in the home he grew up in when the bank threatens to evict them. The plot that follows is just as silly, heart-warming and compassionate as the original movie.

Unlike many sequels, “Mary Poppins Returns” does not heavily rely on the plot and characters in the original movie and is easy to follow whether or not viewers have seen the original. Emily Blunt certainly has her own take on Mary Poppins’ dignified and stern ways, but still caters to earlier Disney fans’ nostalgia of Julie Andrews’ performance. Similar to the 1964 movie, bright colors are consistently portrayed, as well as many symbols of youth and dependence.

The frequent breaks into song and dance are overdone and a little campy, but they are intended to be that way and admittedly leave viewers feeling giddy and childish. The soundtrack, despite the famous Lin-Manuel Miranda being on the project, can not compete with the first movie’s song choices; however, all of the quirkiness and fast singing that defines the musical reappears. The viewer’s favorite song in the beginning of the film does feature Lin-Manuel Miranda doing one of the many things he does best: rapping. The whole theme of both the first and second movies are not unlike that of “Peter Pan” or “Inside Out,” as the films celebrate both imagination and the uncorrupted belief and hope within children.

Overall, the movie is a lovely flashback to the audience’s childhood and a fitting feel-good movie to see for all ages. It is very long and feels slow-moving, but on a rainy day looking to smile, “Mary Poppins” is the perfect fit.

Megan Garringer
About Megan Garringer 5 Articles
Megan Garringer is currently a staff writer for La Vista, responsible for writing in all sections of the paper. This is her first year on the La Vista staff. In her free time, Megan enjoys running, baking, and listening to music.

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