May 13, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic displays the importance of journalism in this day and age

Mia Cho

Opinion Editor


In recent years, the idea that American journalism is a dying industry has become imperative to consider among those choosing prospective careers.  However, with the COVID-19 pandemic in full effect, journalists are necessary now more than ever. 


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the newspaper industry has lost more than 50% of its employees since 2001. Journalism has been regarded as a dying industry due to the progressive shift away from paper to keep up with the digital world. With the number of people reading newspapers decreasing annually, newspapers haven’t been supported by their readers, and have lost ad revenue. Advertising revenues for newspapers have dropped from $65 billion to less than $19 billion in 2016. With newspapers losing financial support, journalism has lost importance and recognition in modern society. However, it is important to recognize that journalists contribute to maintaining order in society by providing citizens with accurate information. 


However, journalism is not a dying industry. It is simply adapting to modern times. With the shift to the digital world, journalists still play an equally important role in informing citizens of what is happening in the world. Many, if not all, publications post stories daily to their websites, and work to provide everyone with unbiased descriptions of current events in a way that will reach readers. Journalists also provide news in different forms of media using photos and videos to help animate their stories. Investigative and combat journalists often put their lives at risk to help provide the general public with accurate stories to help them keep informed. 


Journalism is a profession that is often underestimated or overlooked. Especially now, in a time of global crisis, journalists are still working tirelessly to provide accurate news to citizens of the world. Although this idea goes unnoticed by many, journalists are a part of everyones’ daily lives. Whether it’s the weekly Apple News briefing on a smartphone, the physical copy of a local publication, or the news channels on the television, journalists are an important part of everyone’s daily life. 


The COVID-19 pandemic has been regarded as the biggest event of our lifetime. With social distancing measures in place and stay at home orders effective in most of the country, the products of journalists is what we read and watch to stay updated. The general public relies on journalists to present information so they can make informed decisions about their lives. Now, in a time of global uncertainty and panic, the world depends on journalists to keep informed on what is happening outside of their own lives. 


Journalists present an unbiased view of information so that the general public can make informed decisions that can potentially impact others. In a time like this with the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 presidential election, and so much more, it is important to recognize the role journalists play in society.

Mia Cho
About Mia Cho 27 Articles
Mia is the Editor-in-Chief for La Vista and is responsible for editing pages for all sections and overseeing the production process. In her previous years on the paper, Mia was a Managing Editor, Opinion Editor, and a staff writer. In her free time, Mia enjoys spending time with friends and family.

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