May 2, 2024

‘Moxie’ defines femininity in an uneducated society

Teen activist Vivian as she prints zines to pass around the school to support a feminist movement. “Moxie” prevails with its exceptionally well-written script that forms a strong bond with viewers and brings light to an important cause. Photo Courtesy of

By Remy Bailard

Arts Editor

The film “Moxie” offers an empowering and insightful look into how sexism is becoming an unacceptable societal norm.

The film provides an eye-opening reality while bringing a voice to women. “Moxie” delivers a powerful message to viewers through a revolutionary movement, and the leading actresses fully encompass the cause, bringing the film to life and leaving a lasting imprint on viewers.

Released to Netflix for viewing on March 3, “Moxie” is directed by well-known actress Amy Pohler and stars Hadley Robinson as Vivian; Alycia Pascual-Pena as Lucy; and Lauren Tsai as Claudia. The film is based off of the book of the same title written by Jennifer Mathieu.

The film follows 16-year-old Vivian as she and a group of high school girls decide to defy the current status quo, sparking a schoolwide feminist movement that came to be known as “Moxie.” A ‘zine,’ a magazine toward the feminist movement, is anonymously published in favor of the movement and calls out many of the people in the school notoriously known for being sexist, and additionally brings to light the everyday struggles of a woman in a modern-day society full of sexism.

The film offers a feeling of nostalgia for viewers, as the plotline transcends the early ‘90s Riot Grrrl movement. “Moxie” brings the audience back to the heart of this era by incorporating several elements into the film such as a ‘zine,’ which adds to the rawness within the plotline. The resurfacing of these elements brings focus to the fact that this feminist movement is ongoing, making the film have an even greater impact on the audience.

The complexity of the script brings the overall message of the film full-circle and causes viewers to have an emotionally-grabbing response. The script incorporates a balance of comedic lines as well as lines that are real and telling, making the film meaningful without being too deep. Viewers are left with the feeling of wanting to make a change, sparking even more recognition toward the movement and making the movie become an exponential success.

The impeccable casting already draws a lot of attention and brings a wide audience to the film. Well-known actors such as Pohler, playing Lisa; Patrick Schwarzenegger, playing Mitchell; and Josephine Langford, playing Emma; all add to the likeability of the film by providing viewers with familiar faces that they have previously known and loved. Each one of these ac-

tors who has been seen in other coming-of-age films brings his or her own stylistic take, giving the film a profound originality and uniqueness.

“Moxie” features an amazing soundtrack that impresses viewers even further. The most popular of the songs in the film are “Rebel Girl” and “Double Dare Ya” by Bikini Kill, which are highly suitable for the film, as the punk rock genre is fitting to the era that “Moxie” grabs its inspiration from. The soundtrack furthers the plotline with its upbeat melodies that further instill confidence and empowerment in viewers.

The leading female actresses in “Moxie” carry the film’s greatness as they bring the story and message to life. Each actress is able to perform emotionally, creating a lasting bond with viewers as they can find support through the relatability of each character. Acting, especially from Robinson and Pascual-Pena, not only highlights the struggles that come with femininity, but also fills the audience with an overwhelming feeling of confidence, as the positive aspects of the cause are touched on.

In the end, “Moxie” excels with its ability to portray and spread awareness of an important cause through relatability within a modernistic take. The impeccable acting and well-developed characters make the film a must-see for viewers of all ages.

Released on March 3, “Moxie” is rated PG-13 and is available for viewers to stream on Netflix.

Remy Bailard
About Remy Bailard 26 Articles
Remy is the editor for the Arts section and is responsible for editing and writing stories as well as designing page layouts. In her previous year on the paper, Remy was a staff writer. In her freetime, Remy enjoys going on drives to get coffee with friends and going to the beach.

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