May 18, 2024

Ski week is worth the one week taken from summer

Indianna koehn

Staff writer

Ski week in February makes summer for Costa students one week shorter. This break is an important necessity for mental health, the development of snow sports and cheaper flight rates compared to other breaks. 

The month of february is known to have perfect ski weather.

Ski week is a traditional local break in many Los angeles and southern california school systems. This break interferes with the ability to have summer 1 week before June 15th; the original date Costa students get out. This ski week leaves schools like Redondo Union and El segundo getting out at an earlier date. This February break follows the Monday of presidents day each year and carries its name based on the good ski weather it falls into.

This break is dedicated to those who need a little extra family and friend time in their lives.

Summer is a well awaited break for all school systems however summer is already not a short break adding one more week might be used as a waste. Ski week allows for a break from the stress of school, giving those who are behind a week to catch up and those caught up a week of rest. Miss Dibenardo agrees that having ski week lets us take ease off of the busy school year and influences students to keep going strong when this break ends and school starts back up again. Sometimes school can be a hard challenge for students when it ties into home life and outside of school activities, having ski week spreads the importance of those hobbies and family time that most people really appreciate yet don’t have the time for.

This week allows students to go skiing without the stress of missing school.

Since Manhattan beach doesn’t experience this snow filled type of weather, Ski week allows students to take time to go places that do. Skiing is known as a great way to use all the snow we see during this time of year, and ski week supplies all students to do just that without the stress of missing school. Zoe Bendall sophomore student agrees ski week should stay as the February skiing weather is not worth missing. This ski week represents the importance of the sport by having a whole break dedicated to it, which encourages students to try these snow sports out if they haven’t before.

Vacations are necessary and with ski week even cheaper.

Sophomore Caitlyn O’Hara believes summer is always better when it’s longer, giving students a little more time before getting back into their school time routine. She agrees that a longer summer might be more beneficial, because we have spring break not too long after. However sometimes students need down time or a break to be able to refresh their minds and do tasks to their full ability. understands schools need to take mental health awareness more seriously, as many students don’t address the problems until adulthood. Giving students a week for themselves is crucial, so those struggling with mental health can have this time, whether they need it or not as it’s always good to take a break from reality. 

Ski week is not only crucial to Costa students based on the importance of mental health and by ensuring people who share interest in snow sports a chance to get out on the slopes, but this week can also be a perfect chance for students to get out of California all together. Flight costs are better than ever judging that ski week isn’t as widely known as Christmas and spring break, which makes flight demand and prices not as high. Having a February break when other schools don’t can be a strength when it comes to vacations, making it more special to go somewhere and enjoy family time without fear of missing out.

Although ski week was made based on the prime ski weather month of february and influences kids to get out on the ski hill and enjoy some snow, for many it’s also a reminder that influences students to bear on as they have an upcoming break. When looking at the overall details of this break, having ski week is understood to be way more beneficial for both students and parents of the mira costa community. 

Ski week is a traditional local break in los angeles and southern california schools commonly take part in. Skiing is known as a great way to use all the snow we see during this time of year, and ski week supplies all students to do just that without the stress of missing school.


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