May 4, 2024

XoXo Ava: Ava discusses the season of giving

By Ava Nicols


In my opinion, fall is the best time of the year. I love the color schemes, the Trader Joe’s candles that smell like pie, and bundling up in my puffer jacket every day. Out of all things I love about fall, though, my favorite is the universal incentive to come together, give back, and appreciate one another. 

Because we are so fortunate, it is easy to take the little things–hot food, roofs over our heads, people to come home to, clean and warm clothes–for granted. I’ve realized how things that are easiest to complain about are actually what many wish for every day. When we find ourselves complaining, it is important to instead remember to be grateful.  

I hope everyone will work together with their loved ones this year more than ever to act with humility and selflessness. The commitment to service in our community never ceases to amaze me. Walking into our front office, I see at least four donation bins that are emptied out weekly, whether it be books, food, toys, or clothing—there is no reason not to take advantage of them. 

It makes me so happy when I see classmates and teachers working together to support student-run organizations. So before typing out a long, hyper-linked list of what you want on Google Docs this holiday season, first make a list of what you can do to help others. Knowing you played a part in changing the life of someone else is quite a unique experience, because any donation is one more than there was before.

Emotions can be high heading into Thanksgiving and other big gatherings. Whether it be about seeing family you don’t like, pressure to give out “good-enough” gifts, or just the fact that yet another year has gone by, understanding that not everyone has a picture-perfect holiday season is easy to overlook. 

It breaks my heart to think that anyone could be alone during this time of the year. I was taught to never hesitate to extend an invite to someone, no matter the situation, and I wish to do this too. An invitation to come together could make all the difference in their life even if they don’t take the offer. Having a sense of community with the people around you makes these final months of the year more memorable than any gift.  

Having an attitude of gratitude requires us to stop, take stock of all the blessings around us, and recognize that there is so much to be thankful for. Remember to hug the people you love and acknowledge the things you appreciate. No matter how hard the season, no matter the circumstance, you always have something to be grateful for. I wish everyone a holiday full of warmth, love and happiness. Happy almost Turkey Day!



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