May 20, 2024

Editors Note: Our commitment to journalism keeps us motivated

By Zack Rosenfeld

Mustang Morning News recently interviewed our staff in a story titled: “What it takes, La Vista.” In this report, MMN showed a behind-the-scenes look on how we produce our paper during “Production Nights.”

We were asked about getting through these three days of hard work and deadlines. I thought the question should have been less about “how” and more “why?”

Over the summer, at a journalism workshop, Orange County Register reporter Larry Welborn gave a lecture titled “Why Journalism?” He gives four reasons why journalists put themselves through this process. So, why do we do this?

In Welbornʼs words, we “stand up for those who canʼt stand up for themselves.” For example, last year our staff showed the Mira Costa community that students had little voice in campus policy, even if it affected
their daily lives.

We wrote an editorial explaining a new way to run student government to give students something it never had: a voice. Months later the principal and student leaders met to form the Student Leadership Council in which student opinion was given weight for the first time.

Secondly, we want, “to bring out the truth.” There is no better example than our story about the arrest of instructional assistant Christopher Gray. After teachers and staff were informed that he was arrested for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor, rumors spread across campus.

We put in the effort to interview everyone involved in the situation and provide correct facts to the community.

Additionally, the La Vista staff strives, “to make [our] readers care.” Many students ask me about the presence of stories about the school district on the front page instead of other types of stories. These issues may not be familiar to the average reader, but district decisions affect everyone, and reporting on them is crucial to keeping students, staff and parents informed.

Finally, we want, “to make a difference.” As a staff, we put ourselves through the work-intensive process because in the end, we feel as though we are making a difference. Whether we are presenting news to the community, giving our thoughts on current events to reviewing the latest films, we know that we are providing an important service to the community.

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