May 16, 2024

Downtown Manhattan Beach sparkles with the lighting of the pier

By Lizzy Tsuang
Staff Writer

Instead of traditional white blankets of snow during winter, Manhattan Beach reinvents the stereotypical idea of the holidays by incorporating their sunny beaches. Here, Christmas trees adorn the area and festive lights are strung throughout the pier.

Continuing the 24th annual tradition of the Pier Lighting Ceremony and Downtown Open House, Manhattan Beach residents gathered to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season on November 20.

“This year’s Holiday Open House was a smashing success,” Executive Director of the Downtown Business Association and Head Planner of the event Kelly Stroman said. “There was a record amount of people partaking in all the activities and shopping specials. It is so fun to be a part of this event and to walk the streets seeing smiles on the faces of little kids waiting patiently for Santa, people relaxing in Metlox and enjoying all the music, and the stores and restaurants going out of their way to welcome everyone.”

Mira Costa’s band and choir performed festive holiday jingles at the Open House. The band and choir alternated locations between the Pier and Metlox Center, which were general places of gathering for attendees. The choir also went out in octets to perform before the public for a more personal experience.

“It’s always a fun experience for us,” choir teacher Michael Hayden said. “It’s our chance to help in the opening of the holiday season by singing holiday music. We have so much fun and the public appreciates our performance and compliments the students. I believe this experience makes the students more confident and better performers because they’re right in front of the public, face to face.”

A new addition to this year’s entertainment lineup was a night long performance from the Dietz Brothers Band on Manhattan Avenue at 10th Street. Another change was to incorporate Facebook in the Holiday Window Decorating contest. The public voted for the winner by liking one out of five of the photos posted on Downtown Manhattan Beach’s Facebook page. The nominees were Manhattan Denim, Cielo Boutique Salon, Growing Wild, Tabula Rasa Essentials, and Landis’ Labyrinth Toy Shop. Manhattan Denim’s Live Nutcracker theme took the ultimate win.

“We truly like to appeal to all ages on the Holiday Open House, and as a former dancer, I’ve always had a place in my heart for ballerinas,” owner and operator of Manhattan Denim Tiffany Mesko said. “Owning a small business in Downtown Manhattan Beach is one of the biggest thrills of my life, and it’s because of the people that make up the community. Especially those that recognize the value of shopping local to keep our town alive and unique. So thank you not only for choosing us at the winner, but for ongoing love and support!”

According to Stroman, The Downtown Business Association has been preparing for such an event since August. Months are spent planning creative advertisements for the event through social media and banners. Several meetings are also held with the Manhattan Beach Parks and Rec., the Police Department and Downtown Business Owners.

“Meetings are held to determine positioning of talent, necessary security measures, traffic control and all levels of logistics,” Stroman said. “We are also so fortunate to have such generous business owners who contribute special prizes for winners of the Holiday Scavenger Hunt. We are always open to ideas and continually try to make the event bigger and better each year.”

Costa students like freshman Noelle Parker have been attending the event for countless years. According to Parker, this annual tradition marks the beginning of the holidays filled with joy and excitement for the upcoming season.

“I’ve lived in Manhattan Beach since I was little and my favorite part of the holidays has always been the pier lighting,” Parker said. “I look forward to it every year, and I think it gives Manhattan Beach a unique aspect. Not many towns have a pier that they light up to make it look like a Christmas tree. It really makes me feel like it’s the holidays!”

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