May 4, 2024

Sophomore Sidney lands role in upcoming film

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By Kathryn Cross
Staff Writer

Sophomore Kelly Sidney’s professional acting career began with a stroke of luck: being in the right place at the right time, and being with the right people.

Sidney landed a role in the new film “Alvin and the Chipmunks 4” by attending a table read for the cast in Beverly Hills on Nov. 8. She was chosen for the role of Diner Girl number three.

“I had no idea what I was getting myself into,” Sidney said. “When I showed up for the table read, the producers were missing an actress, and they asked me to fill in.”

Sidney and friend Sofia Namazaki, who attends Peninsula High School, signed up to be extras in the film. As a result, they received emails detailing movie-related information, such as the location and time of the table reads for the film.

“It was really lucky,” Sidney said. “I’m surprised that this happened, because I’ve had acting agents and managers, but I have never received a role like this.”

Sidney began her acting career in school plays at age six. She wanted to continue her exposure in the entertainment industry through attending table reads.

“When I entered high school, I became overwhelmed with academics and other electives, so I’ve just been doing what I can outside of school regarding my acting career,” Sidney said.

Sidney’s efforts paid off with her role as Diner Girl number three in “Alvin and the Chipmunks 4.” Although many of the details are currently ambiguous, filming will begin toward the end of December and continue through the beginning of next year. The movie will be released on Dec. 11, 2015.

“I have five lines, and I don’t think I will be in the film for over two minutes, so it is not overly glamorous,” Sidney said. “But people will see it, and it’s a good start for me. It is exposure, and it will be fun.”

Sidney has read the script, but she is not sure who she will be interacting with on or off the screen. While the chipmunks in the film are animated, the people are not; therefore, Sidney may be interacting with both aspects of the movie’s production.

“I don’t know who or what I’ll be interacting with, and it’s kind of scary,” Sidney said. “I’m actually nervous for it.”

Because Sidney has a small role, she is unsure whether or not she will be featured in the film that reaches theaters.

“I know that I will be credited either for the role as Diner Girl number three or as an extra, but I don’t know which scenes the directors are going to choose for the final edit,” Sidney said.

Although many details are still uncertain, Sidney is excited to be a part of the filming; however, she admits to having challenges in her pursuit for a career in the entertainment industry.

“I have been into acting for years, but it’s really hard to get in the industry,” Sidney said. “I’ve met different directors and gone to auditions, but it’s all about connections and timing. It’s almost scary now that I’m finally getting a role. It’s not how I thought it would happen, but I’m excited.”

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