May 2, 2024

Young Messiah disappoints with dull and monotonous plot


By Patrick Lucas

Staff Writer


The Young Messiah successfully puts its viewers to sleep, proving to be one of the most monotonous and dull representations of Jesus’ life as a young child.


It looks like another dud for recent Bible film adaptations. Hollywood has taken great stories like Noah’s Ark and the Exodus and turned them into cinematic catastrophes in movies like Noah and Exodus.


A particularly irritating aspect of this film is that the actor playing young Jesus, Adam Greaves is British and has a thick accent. Anyone with any Biblical knowledge knows that Christ was not English at all. In fact, he was Middle Eastern and was born in modern day Israel. This inconsistency takes viewers out of the movie and makes it hard to believe.


An exciting appeal for some was Game of Thrones actor, Sean Bean. Bean’s paltry role in this film was insignificant and pretty much nonexistent. However, the parts that he was in stood out amongst the rest of the movie’s anti climactic storyline and novice acting.


It may be difficult for some to keep up with the movie because knowledge of the Bible was crucial in understanding the plot of this film simply because it neglected to explain important parts such as a demon that would arbitrarily appear in scenes without any explanation.


The Bible is filled with provocative and gripping stories that keep readers entertained and teach a lesson, however the story of Christ’s childhood is not one of them. Compared to the rest of Jesus’ life, his childhood after leaving Bethlehem was uneventful.


It is interesting that this movie was even produced given its lack of storyline. Not only was there no climax, but there wasn’t even a beginning, middle, or end. The movie picked up in a insignificant part of Jesus’ life and finished with the same unsatisfying issues it began with.


Writers have endless opportunities when it comes to the Bible. There are countless stories of heroism and perseverance. It is important that people see those kind of morals in entertainment. However, no recent Biblical movies have hit a chord with moviegoers or even their base. These movies, like The Young Messiah will never have an effect on viewers if producers cannot find a way to attract people to these films.


After hours of production and writing, audiences were left with a below average movie that will soon be outdone by another less mediocre adaption of Christ’s life because for some reason Hollywood cannot get a script right with religion.


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