May 12, 2024

Mira Costa Winter Formal is held at Redondo Beach Crown Plaza Hotel ballroom

Courtesy of

By Juliana Riverin

Assistant Managing Editor

The Mira Costa High School Winter Formal with the theme “Manhattan to Manhattan,” took place from 8:00 P.M. to 11:30 PM on Feb. 6. in the Redondo Beach Crown Plaza Hotel ballroom.

The event was organized by Costa’s Associated Student Body Commissioners of Entertainment senior Kendall Douglas and junior Jamie Hoffman, who decided the date, venue, ticket design and theme of the event. Other ASB members additionally contributed to setting up the event.

“I definitely think that formal was a success,” Douglas said. “It seemed like everywhere I looked there was someone with a smile on their face. People had a lot of fun and that was the goal so I’m happy with how it turned out.”

Approximately 420 people attended the dance, which, according to Hoffman, was about the number of people ASB expected. The amount of attendees was about average, landing between 300 people, the all time lowest amount of people and last year’s record of 500 people.

“We aimed for at least 400 people, but we ended up exceeding that number after a few people wanted to buy some last minute tickets, so it ended up working out well,” Douglas said.

According to Douglas, the theme of the dance “Manhattan to Manhattan” was not a large part of the dance due to the limited space available in the venue. Instead, ASB incorporated the dance colors, dark blue, black and silver as much as they could in the decor. However, senior Star Masterson said that there should have been more activities set up for formal attendees.

“at Sadies and Prom last year, they had poker and stuff but at formal there was basically just dancing or sitting down,” Masterson said.

Despite these complaints, Hoffman considers the dance to have been a success.  
“I thought the dance was a lot of fun and almost all the feedback about the dance has been positive,” Hoffman said. “It was definitely a huge success and all of ASB is proud of the outcome.”

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